Genesis 14: Kids

genesis kids

The Power of Teamwork

Genesis 14:14 - "When Abram heard that his nephew Lot had been captured, he mobilized the 318 trained men who had been born into his household. Then he pursued Kedorlaomer's army until he caught up with them at Dan."

Hey there! Have you ever been part of a team, like in a game of soccer or during a group project in class? It's great when everyone works together to reach a common goal. That's exactly what we see in Genesis 14.

In this chapter, Abram (who later becomes Abraham) finds out that his nephew Lot has been taken captive by a bad king named Kedorlaomer. What a scary big name! Does Abram shrug and say, "Oh well, I guess that's that"? Nope! He quickly rounds up his team of 318 trained men, and together, they chase after the bad guys.

Abram's courage and his team's unity led to Lot's rescue. That's how powerful teamwork can be, and it's the same in our lives too. When we face challenges, working with others can help us overcome them. This might mean studying together for a difficult test or teaming up to clean up a messy room.

Remember, God loves when we work together in peace and unity, just like Abram and his team did. So next time you're part of a team, remember Abram's story and work together to reach your goal! God is cheering you on!

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