Genesis 17: Kids

genesis kids

A Special Promise and a New Name

Genesis 17:5 - "What's more, I am changing your name. It will no longer be Abram. Instead, you will be called Abraham, for you will be the father of many nations."

Hi, Adventurous Friends! Today's journey takes us to Genesis 17. Here, God makes a really special promise to a man named Abram. God tells Abram that he will be the father of many nations! Wow, that's a huge promise, right? But that's not all. God also changes Abram's name to Abraham.

Names are super important. They're a part of who we are. God changing Abram's name to Abraham wasn't just about a new name; it was about a new future that God was promising him. It showed that God had big plans for him!

Now, let's think about your name. It's a part of who you are. But guess what? God has a special plan for you, too! Just like Abraham, God has a unique plan for your life.

Maybe you won't be the father or mother of many nations, but you can still do great things! You could be a friend to someone who's lonely, share your toys with your sibling, or help your parents at home.

Remember, God knows your name, and He has big plans for you! So, go out and be the best you can be, because you are special to God!

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