Genesis 22: Kids

genesis kids

The Ultimate Trust Test

Genesis 22:2 - "Take your son, your only son—yes, Isaac, whom you love so much—and go to the land of Moriah. Go and sacrifice him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will show you."

Today's story takes us to Genesis 22, where Abraham faces the biggest test of trust in his life. God tells Abraham to take his son, Isaac, and offer him as a sacrifice. This is confusing, isn't it? Isaac is the son God promised to Abraham and Sarah. Why would God ask such a thing?

Well, sometimes, God asks us to do difficult things to test our trust in Him, just like in a game of "Trust Fall," where you fall back and trust that your friend will catch you. Abraham trusts God so much that he is willing to do even the hardest thing.

But guess what happens? Just as Abraham is about to sacrifice Isaac, an angel stops him. God was testing Abraham's trust! He didn't really want Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Instead, God provides a ram for the sacrifice. Abraham passed the test of trust!

In our lives, we might face situations that are confusing and difficult, like a really tough math problem or a big scary spider in the room. These situations can feel like big tests. But remember, we can trust God like Abraham did, knowing that He is with us and loves us very much. He will guide us and provide a way out, just like he did for Abraham. So, always trust in God, because He has everything under control!

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