Genesis 25: Kids

genesis kids

Twins' Tale of Trusting God

Genesis 25:21 - "Isaac pleaded with the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was unable to have children. The LORD answered Isaac's prayer, and Rebekah became pregnant with twins."

You know what's really cool? Twins! Two babies born at the same time! In Genesis 25, Isaac and Rebekah had twin boys, Jacob and Esau. But before they were born, Rebekah couldn't have children. This was very sad for Isaac and Rebekah.

What did they do? They prayed to God. Isaac asked God to give them children, and God answered their prayer. Rebekah became pregnant with not just one, but two babies! Isn't that awesome?

This story teaches us that God listens to our prayers and cares about what we want. Just like Isaac and Rebekah, we can always talk to God about our problems. We can say, "Dear God, I need your help with…" and trust that He will listen.

Do you have something that seems too big or too hard for you? Remember, it's never too big or too hard for God. So, next time you're facing something tough, talk to God about it, just like Isaac did. And remember, God loves you and is always ready to help you, just like he helped Isaac and Rebekah. Keep being super, kids! God is with you!

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