Genesis 3: Kids
Learning from Mistakes
Genesis 3:6 - "The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it."
Hello, brave explorers! Today we're in Genesis 3, where a big change happens in the beautiful world God made. Adam and Eve make a decision that goes against God's one rule.
You know how it feels when you're told not to eat a cookie before dinner, but it looks so tasty, and you just can't resist? That's a bit like what happened to Eve with the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
She knew God said not to eat it, but the fruit was so appealing! So, she made a choice that led to some not-so-fun consequences. God was sad because Adam and Eve didn't listen to Him.
But here's the amazing thing, even when we make mistakes, God still loves us! Just like how your mom or dad might be sad when you sneak that cookie, but they still love you. God is the same. He loves us so much, and He wants us to learn and grow from our mistakes. He's always ready to forgive us and help us do better next time.
So, remember to try and listen to God's words. And if you mess up, don't be scared to talk to God about it. He's always ready to listen, help, and love you!
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