Genesis 40: Kids

genesis kids

Dream Big with God!

Genesis 40:8 - "And they replied, 'We both had dreams last night, but no one can tell us what they mean.' 'Interpreting dreams is God’s business,' Joseph replied. 'Go ahead and tell me your dreams.'"

Today, we are going to visit our friend Joseph in Genesis 40. Joseph was still in prison, but God was with him. Two of his cellmates had weird dreams one night, and they didn't know what they meant. But guess who stepped up? Joseph! He knew that God could help him understand the dreams.

Just like how Joseph helped his friends understand their dreams, God wants to help us understand our dreams and plans too! Do you dream of becoming a superhero, an artist, a scientist, or maybe the world's best ice cream tester? Awesome!

God loves it when we dream big, because He has big dreams for us too. And when things seem difficult or confusing - just like those weird dreams - we can remember that understanding them is God's business. We just have to trust Him and ask for His help.

So, keep dreaming big and trusting God to guide you. And next time when you have a strange dream or a big plan, don't forget to share it with God. He's the best dream interpreter and planner there is!

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